
Keep Going: How a top negotiator learned to be humble

"My relationship to failure is that I'm willing to try things and when they don't work out the way we expect it, I'm disciplined about trying to figure out what happened and what we can learn from it.

Adam Kahane, director of Reos Partners, shares his experience in helping people transform systems and the importance of learning from failure. He tells a story about a project with Manitoba First Nations in Canada, where he initially made the mistake of assuming he knew best.

Through feedback and humility, he was able to change his approach and achieve success. Kahane emphasizes the need for both vertical and horizontal approaches in working with groups, and the importance of radical engagement in transforming systems. He is currently working on a book about everyday habits for transforming systems.

You can check out Kahane’s book, Collaborating With the Enemy, here.

Our theme music is by Policy AKA Mark Buchwald. (https://freemusicarchive.org/music/policy/)